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Mediation has a structure, timetable and dynamic that “ordinary” negotiation lacks. The process is private and confidential, participation is typically voluntary and the mediator acts as a neutral third party facilitating rather than directing the process. By doing so the mediator helps the parties negotiate a settlement.

“Mediation is a way of resolving legal disputes between two or more parties with tangible results at reasonable cost”.

Mediators use various techniques to improve dialogue between the parties to help them see and understand risk, exposure, and the other party’s viewpoint.

The benefits of mediation include:


Mediation increases the control the parties have over the resolution. Mediation can provide solutions that cannot be had at trial.


Mediation takes much less time than moving a case through standard legal channels. Since time is money, all parties benefit greatly from mediation.


Mediation remains strictly confidential while court hearings are public. Only the parties to the dispute and the mediator know what happened.

Relationship Preservation

Mediators are trained to work with difficult people and difficult situations. Mediation preserves and enhances the relationship of lawyers and their clients and sometimes even between lawyers.